Monday, May 6, 2024


So our neighbor was hatching baby chick and the kids had a great time going over multiple times over a 3 day period of time and seeing these little chicks hatch. Then to our great surprise they gave them to us and we are now tending to there feeding and water. We have a total of 6 and we hope that they are all laying hens that will give us lots of eggs. 



Art work by my 2 oldest girls after attending a fun neighbor birthday party. 
Their castles are both unique and beautiful. 

                                             Bristol                                                            Ezra

Hailey and Bristol had a fun hike up Blacksmith Fork canyon so almost all of us went. We enjoyed finding Water Crest and this other herb that we later found out was Yarrow. The kids were all given a bag to collect items they saw into and then at the end we talked about all the creations that God has given to us. When we returned home Ezra and Bristol made these habitats for some roly-poly's. They are still sitting on my counter.   What creative kids!!!

Stetson and some of the boys from church learned how to change the oil on bishops truck. They are learning a great life skill that can safe them money if they choose. 

Evelyn had another round of stiches and this is what her hand looked like after we removed the stiches, 10 days after the incident. Unfortunately she had trouble opening a can of pineapple.

Oh, the adventures we have!!! 


Gun Safety and Shark Tanks

Spencer and I pushed Stetson to get Hunter Safety completed. He was a champ! He was a little nervous about the final test but passed with a 47 out of 50. I went to the in person training with him and he really enjoyed shooting at the range with Grandpa Weyerman's gun. Spencer is excited to take him shooting with him this fall. They intend to do some bow hunting. I am grateful that there are programs that teach these boys how to be respectful and law abiding citizens. It is a privilege's to be able to handle firearm's and something that needs to done respectfully. I feel there instructor and the attending wildlife management officer did a great job teaching what to do and what not to do!  

Stetson and his team presented in their "Shark Tank" class and did really well according to my husband who was one of the Sharks and many other moms who were present. They started a business to 3D print parts for a one wheel and have had a few buyer and some success. It is really good for Stetson and his class mates to learn what it takes to be an entrepreneur. 

All other children in our family are chugging a long in their academic pursuits and are trying to finish up for the year! Rainy inside days are helpful. Sunny warm days are challenging!!!


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Bows and arrows

Our friends invited us to dinner and then we had a good time shooting arrows in their beautiful back yard. They too are homeschoolers and now that we know that both dads are left hand shooters with a bow they are preparing to go hunting together this fall. That pushed Stetson to go through hunter safety as Spencer want him to go with them hunting. All of the other kids enjoyed trying out shooting for their  first time. You can see a stream in the back yard and it claimed a few of the arrows. The kids really liked the four-wheeler too!!! Oh, the adventures that each week brings! 
Back inside the kids enjoyed a little show and tell as they played the piano and tried to decide who was the best at it. They also enjoyed a game of hide and go seek to end the night. 


A Horse of Course - That's a pony you phony!!!

Bristol has been really into horses lately and while Hailey was taking her piano lessons Bristol convinces our friends to let her ride their pony. Ezra and Hailey also benefited but it was Bristol who suggested the idea. Bristol also wanted me to bring home a lot of books from the Library and so we found several on horses and caring for them to their uses and varieties. 
She is now asking if we can buy a horse of our own and how much that would cost. We really do not have a place for a horse but I am glad that she is thinking all these things over. 
School work is getting done this week, with a lot of reminding!!!


Story Time

 The Jungle Book Story and a large bed made out of all of the house pillows and our 6 banana chairs, plus lots of blankets. This creation was designed by the 3 girls and was enjoyed for several days as many read and snuggled in.  The kids claimed that it was the most comfy of beds and that I must try it out. This is where my husband found us and took the above pictures. 
I am so thankful that all of these kids just love stories and reading or being read to.  
I hope that there will be many more days of reading together like this!!!
School has been a little tricky as the kids just want to play constantly and be out in the sunny backyard. Evelyn did finish up her writing book this week and is looking forward to finishing her other textbooks.  

Monday, April 15, 2024


It is really hard to get good photo's of an entire family exercising!
The other day Stetson was home for some reason in the morning and Spencer and he got talking about who has the stronger legs now. Well that turned into a lets see show and tell downstairs and I then got these two pictures. The first one Stetson is squatting Hailey and Bristol. I believe that Ezra was trying to get on but couldn't. The second one Evelyn is being piggy backed. 
Spencer loves to exercise with the kids and typically gets a good work out with them at least once  a week. The kids are often his weights. We play lots of upbeat music and have a good time. 
All school is being attended to! 


Monday, March 18, 2024


Its hard to believe that just a few short days ago there was plenty of snow every where. 
The kids were so excited to go sledding after a particular snow storm. 
We were not able to take Evelyn and Stetson. 
Evelyn went to dance and Stetson was away with a friend skiing in Brianhead for the week. 
The rest of the kids ha a blast and were very frozen by the end. 
Ironically while we were at our favorite sledding park, alone. Not common. When our friends from Mendon showed up and all were able to sled and enjoy the snow together. 
We love random meetings with our fun homeschool friends.  
With all your learning do a lot of play!!!


Dance Party


It is hard to record a dance part in photo but it was attempted. 
We are a big fans of good music and often love to start dancing. 
Even Silas can groove and can't help moving when he hears a tune. 
As you can see in these photos all are in their PJ's. This was a dance party before bed. 
We are busy with lots of classes on Wednesday, more school on the other weekdays and playing together or working together on the weekend. There is always so many options each week. 
We try to keep things simple but there is always good things to do each week. 


We had a fun time going bowling with our homeschool field trip group.  It just happened to be on Hailey's birthday so we got to see lots of friends and her dad even met us to join in the family fun. It was great to have the whole family together playing and having fun together. 
School is going great. Kids really like listening to books. We listen to "Harry Potter" in the car coming and going and are listening to "Wing Feather" series here and there at home. There are also lots of books from the library and out own, games and nicer weather.