Thursday, August 12, 2010

Blessings and Life

We have had a lot going on these last few weeks. Moving was an adventure, our vacationing was an adventure that added more adventures. Spencer starting a new job and that has been very time consuming but less stressful than school. He really enjoys the Dr. that he is working for and all of the time that they have to talk about Chiropractic and more specifically CBP.
One of the added adventures that came from our vacation was me rear-ending another car while in Idaho so that required me making another trip home to pick up our repaired car and going to court to settle the case. Thankfully our car cost less than expected and 2 of the 3 charges were dropped making my fines minimal. So these are a few blessings. Another blessing was being able to see my family and spend time with them. One of my brothers left for boot camp right after my visit and the other just had his wisdom teeth pulled so I was able to help pamper the one and see the other before his leaving. Family is a great blessing!
Thankfully my mother decided to come back to Washington with me and help entertain my son while I drove. It was a long trip and she did a great job. Stetson also was well behaved for being in the car for over 8 hours.
Another blessing, although tragic as well is that my mother is here to take care of me and my little family. After returning from my trip to Idaho on Monday we celebrated my birthday on Tuesday and then Wednesday morning the tragedy stuck. I miscarried our baby. I am doing fine now we are pretty sure that the baby quite thriving few weeks ago i just hadn't noticed or allowed my self to think about it.
I know that there must be a reason and that the Lord is watching out for me... us! I also know that I don't have to know the answers to everything or the reasons for why things happen the way they do, when they do. I can only trust that the Lord loves me and wan mmnts to bless me. The only frustrating part is knowing that what I want isn't always what the Lord has in store for me.


  1. Ah Natasha! What a crazy time! I'm so sorry for the heartaches and I hope you are doing so much better! What a blessing to have your mom there with you. Keep the faith and continue to trust in the Lord and his timing for you and your family! Love you guys and we just wish the best for you!

  2. oh natasha, im so sorry to hear that! i know that's gotta be hard..i hope you're doing well. stay positive :)

  3. Natasha, I am sorry to hear that you are having to go through this trial. You are right though the Lord may have something else in store for you and your family. Take care!

  4. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. THat's got to be the hardest things. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope things continue to go up from here on out.

  5. Hey beautiful neighbor! (you'll always be our neighbor). I'm sorry to hear about your baby. I've learned that nothing can help, and for that I'm sorry. I wish there was something I could say or do.
    You're a brave woman, that much I know.
    We keep you and your family always in our prayers.
    Much love.

  6. Just saw the post today. How devastating to lose a baby, but at least you've got a cute little boy to keep you going. Children are such a blessing. You are amazing!! How wonderful that your mom was there to be with you - tender mercies. Love you lots!

  7. hey natasha I am sorry that you had to go through something so hard! And you are right the lord has a plan for all of us. I went through the same thing not too long ago and if you EVER need to talk please feel free to call ANYTIME day or night. p.s. give that cute boy of yours a kiss for me and tell spence hi!

  8. I hope all is well. I am sorry for what happened. Miscarriages are really hard so if you need to talk let me know. During this time stay close to the Lord because he only gives us challenges that we are able to bare. D&C 58:3-4

  9. I'm so sorry that happened, Natasha. I hope another little one comes to you soon. You are a wonderful mother and sound so strong and full of faith. Thanks for your example.
