Friday, February 19, 2010

Valentine's Surprise

Spencer and I had a great Valentines/Anniversary weekend. It started out with me surprising Spencer on Saturday when he returned from a seminar with a different hair style.
He says that he loves it which is all I care about. He is who I did it for anyway.
Then we went to our ward dinner/dance which was fun. I taught a few people how to 2 step and we danced one slow song with little Stetson.
We danced another one at home after Stetson was in bed.
Sunday we made valentines for all of the youth in our Sunday school class and brought them candy, they love candy. For dinner we had the Perry's over and enjoyed each other, although Steve had a lot of running around to do...
Monday being Presidents day Spencer did not have school or clinic so we celebrated our anniversary. We went to a great Italian restaurant in Berkley called Oliveto ( It was a little on the high end but very good, I recommend it. It was nice to eat dinner without worrying about Stetson grabbing my food or running off and to be able to give Spencer my complete attention.
Here is my 11" of hair that I donated to Locks of Love.
I hope that who ever gets it will enjoy my curly locks.


  1. I can't believe you cut your hair! I've always been so jealous of your long locks. But I love the new look. It's very pretty. Sounds like you had a great valentine's/anniversary.

  2. Wow! I love it, I cut my hair last year for locks of love and I'm missing it still. My hair grows so slow!! Happy Anniversary. It looks like you guys have had a lot of fun!

  3. Happy Anniversary! You're hair looks great and I think it fits you! Glad you had a fun night!

  4. Love the new hair style...did that myself in October, Greg was a little sad. I am hoping to have it grown out enough to cut again this summer! And Happy Anniversary to you both!

  5. Oh my goodness!! You have given Spencer his ideal!! JK, you were already his ideal! Love you and hope you're doing great! Can't wait to see you!

  6. I just realized you have a blog!! I'm slow :) I'm sure your locks will be loved by whoever gets them. You have such pretty hair!
