Monday, March 21, 2022

Dance Recital & Rehearsal

 Hailey and Bristol are done with dance for the year. There was a fun final class and practice at the church wear the recital was to take place. The teachers daughters were able to be there and volunteered to paint kids faces festively for St. Patrick's day!!! 
Practice was on a Tuesday, St. Patrick's on Thursday and the recital on Friday. 
For St. Patrick's day we had the traditional fair of corn beef and buttered cabbage. We eventually made cornbread over the weekend and also some very yummy cinnamon rolls that were are contribution to the treats at the recital. All were asked to bring a dessert to share. 
Grandpa and Janet were able to attend the recital with us although Dad, Evelyn and Stetson were not. They got to go on a little trip to see cousins and so that Dad could go to a Chiropractic seminar. 
Bristol was originally upset when I came to check on her in the changing room. She hadn't realized that being in 2 dance groups she was in 4 dances. She didn't realize that she knew 4 dances and got 2 costumes to keep. Once she realized she did knew the dances and that she was truly in 4 dances she calmed down and did wonderfully. 
Hailey's last dance they used glow sticks and one of hers was not staying on which proved a distraction, she stopped dancing so that she could try to put it on. I thought that she would be more upset but ended up finishing the dance. 

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