Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Rigby, Teton, Theatre & Recital

The best way to travel anywhere is if your two youngest fall asleep and the other 3 kids listen to a relaxing book on tape. My drive to Rigby was the best I can remember, even though there was that moment when you 4 year old says I've got to poop and you're in the wrong lane to turn. We worked it out and shortly after is when he fell asleep.  

Our last concert of the school year. We have been so blessed to be able to go to all of these amazing performances at such a remarkable theatre for practically nothing. We have been very culturally enriched. We have some very amazing friends!

Evelyn has been playing guitar for about a month and had her fist recital. It was great! Short but sweet. We enjoyed her sharing her talent and also seeing others and their development of their talents. 


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